Lights Called to Shine


Scripture Reading — Isaiah 9:1-6

Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.
— Ephesians 5:8-10

Every year at Christmastime we celebrate the birth of the Savior with many lights. These lights illuminate our streets, trees, and houses. In some places people light special decorations as well.

Why do we celebrate Christmas with so many lights? Because the baby Jesus was himself the light. When he came to earth, he became a light for people who were walking in darkness. And we are part of that group of people. Just as the great light of the sun literally illuminates us, Christ—the Son of God—figuratively illuminates the world so that the darkness is dispelled.

In him we also become light, called to shine. The fruits of light are all kinds of goodness, justice, and truth. And the absence of these things is what makes our world so sad and dark in many places. In order to shine the light ourselves—and not just at Christmastime!—all we have to do is walk in the light of Christ, following him. He then shines through us.

As you think about shining in the world around you, consider this question: How much light is needed in your school or workplace? How do you, as a follower of Christ, provide good influence to the people around you because you walk in the light?

Light of life, thank you for coming into the darkness of our world. By your Spirit, help me to walk in the light so that others may see you in me. In your name, Amen.

Written by: Marc Nabié